Registry of Burials


The Registry of Burials below was begun in the 1990s by cemetery staff and covers interments made through December 2021. While it contains 14,472 name entries, the data is incomplete and the registry does not presume to include all the burials in the cemetery prior to 2021.

Other ways to find information about, and locations of, the residents of Grove Street Cemetery are listed on the Resources for Discovery page of our website.

Displaying 13681 - 13710 of 14571
Name Date of Birth Date of Death Date of Burial Location
Wakeley, James 33 Ivy Path
Wakeley, Rebecca C. Tuesday, May 20, 1873 33 Ivy Path
Walbrecht, Mary Alice Thursday, October 28, 1852 Monday, December 21, 1931 Saturday, February 27, 1932 50 Sycamore
Waldo, Catherine 34 Central Ave.
Waldo, Kate Ives Monday, November 29, 1915 22 Cypress
Waldrum, Mary J. Saturday, June 17, 1911 66 Maple Ave.
Wales, Leonard E. 55 Maple Ave.
Wales, Samuel 55 Maple Ave.
Walhofer, Frederick Thursday, October 3, 1686 None
Walker, Alfred Friday, August 15, 1890 71 Locust Ave.
Walker, Alfred E. Thursday, March 6, 1873 71 Locust Ave.
Walker, Alice Mather Friday, September 21, 1923 Monday, September 24, 1923 16 Pine Ave.
Walker, Allen R. Tuesday, July 27, 2021 Tuesday, July 27, 2021 17 Cypress Ave
Walker, Ann Monday, March 19, 1900 Tuesday, March 20, 1900 6 Pine Ave.
Walker, Bernice Rolf Monday, November 12, 2001 Saturday, November 17, 2001 17 Cypress
Walker, Charles A. 17 Cypress
Walker, Child of D.R. & Abbie Sylvan Ave.
Walker, Dorothy S. Thursday, July 8, 1982 Tuesday, July 13, 1982 N W 137-138
Walker, Edna B. Sunday, February 1, 1874 Potter's Field
Walker, Edward A. Tuesday, April 10, 1866 71 Locust Ave.
Walker, Eliza Jane Friday, February 1, 1901 Ivy Path
Walker, Elizabeth 71 Locust Ave.
Walker, Emma Saturday, September 9, 1876 71 Locust Ave.
Walker, Ethel C. Friday, February 13, 1885 Thursday, February 19, 1885 71 Locust Ave.
Walker, Eunice M. Friday, May 31, 1889 71 Locust Ave.
Walker, Frances E. Thursday, May 31, 1894 71 Locust Ave.
Walker, Henry Wednesday, December 20, 1871 Sycamore
Walker, James F. Monday, May 23, 1836 6 Pine Ave.
Walker, John Saturday, February 2, 1861 6 Pine Ave.
Walker, John L. Tuesday, April 18, 1848 6 Pine Ave.